Amittai Siavava
Software Engineer
I write as an exercise in thinking.
To keep inventory.
For myself.
To keep inventory.
For myself.
Richard Feynman was fond of giving a short story
on how to be a genius—
That one ought to keep a dozen of their favorite problems
at hand, and throw any new tricks or technics against them.
Every once in a while there will be a hit.
And people will say:
“How did he do it? He must be a genius!”
A few art projects done while experimenting
with generative art.
Something might break—
but that's the fun part!
but that's the fun part!
Learning and working on a few architecture projects.
Coming soon! 🚧If I stop being lazy.
Are you on LinkedIn?
If you're into startups,
deep learning & reinforcement learning,
functional programming,
or design—
Let's connect!
"You are a genius if you can solve this..."
"How many..."
"How many..."
It is all pointless.
I do leetcode for mental exercise.
Not for interview prep, and certainly not for a badge of honor.
Not for interview prep, and certainly not for a badge of honor.
I hope you to do what speaks to you. 👀
And do it well.
And do it well.
Check out my neural networks and datasets on Hugging Face!
And if you have one, do tell! 👀
Study music, sleep music, dance music,
and all in between.
and all in between.
Too many playlists, too little time. 🎧
Archive of past works
I do not want to look at anymore. 😅